Home Sharing Tips: How to Rent Your Home for Vacationers in Hooper, UT

Home Sharing Tips: How to Rent Your Home for Vacationers in Hooper, UT

In 2022, Utah's tourism industry generated a whopping $12 billion.

People are flocking to Utah and for good reason. It's home to some of the most gorgeous scenery in the country, not to mention the most welcoming people you'll find. If you're a Hooper homeowner, seeing these tourism numbers should make you jump for joy.

Turning your home into a vacation rental is a great way to earn side income that could turn into a main source of income if you play your cards right. Today, we'll help you learn how to rent your home with some home sharing tips. Read on and use these vacation rental tips to maximize your rental income.

Understand the Laws

The first bit of home sharing advice we can provide is to understand and follow Utah's laws around short-term rentals. You must obtain a license to operate a vacation rental in our state and failing to do so can result in severe fines.

You must also pay close attention to the regulations specific to renting in Hooper UT. The other thing is to do your research on tax laws so that you're properly filling out your return to avoid IRS issues.

Outline House Rules

Once you've done that bit of due diligence, it's time to prepare your home for renting to vacationers. If you're sharing the home with your guests, it's in your best interest to come up with some house rules ahead of time.

When your guests know what they can and can't do, as well as the consequences of breaking the rules, it's easier to find the right types of guests.

Prep and Market the Home

Prepare the space you're renting by removing personal belongings and anything that makes the space feel "lived in". Vacationers want their rentals to feel like their own private getaway, so there shouldn't be family pictures or belongings lying around.

Next, create your rental listing. A good rental listing will thoroughly describe the home's amenities, as well as the local area's amenities, such as cafes, natural attractions, and boutiques.

Take plenty of professional-quality pictures of the unit and put your listing up on the vacation rental site of your choosing. You can bolster your listing by investing in paid ads and SEO, which can help put more eyes on your property.

The Guest Experience

The key to a positive guest experience is being available to help without being overbearing. Guests should know how to get hold of you if they've got any concerns or questions about the unit. Other than that, try to give them the information they need ahead of time, then give them their privacy.

When happy guests check out of your home, make sure to ask for positive reviews. The more positive reviews you have, the easier it will be to secure guests in the future.

Home Sharing Tips and Property Management

Following these home sharing tips will help you run a successful vacation rental out of your home. The busier your rental gets, however, the more work it'll be to run and maintain. That's when hiring property management can really help.

PMI Northern Utah is Hoover's top vacation rental management service. We can handle everything from marketing the property to maintenance, so contact us today to learn more about what we do.
